
Transition and wardrobe: do clothes define us?

The transition is a complex process that involves the individual as a whole, from a psychological, physical and legal point of view. And how important is the wardrobe in the transition process? Do clothes define us?

Transition and wardrobe: the test phase

One of the most important phases in all the long transition process is the so-called test phase of the real life. On this occasion, the person begins to live exactly as a woman or a man. This phase has great importance and impact on a psychological level because the subject is confronted with reality and begins to experience what it really means to be able to live and therefore present himself/herself to the outside world and to society, as a person of the opposite sex.

It is useless to say that clothes play a crucial role at this stage. The person will begin to publicly wear, finally, the clothes he/she has always dreamed of dressing.

Transition and wardrobe: clothes define us

… or rather, we express ourselves through the clothes we choose. Wearing a dress is nothing but communicating an aspect of us to the rest of society. The clothes we wear reflect the ideal image, the one we would like to have in the eyes of others, the one that according to us is the best ever. Only when we feel that there is an alignment between our external image, which is also constructed through clothes, and the perception that others have of us, we really feel satisfied and at ease.

That’s why when you look at your wardrobe you must never think that you have a stranger’s clothes in front of you.

Transition and wardrobe: Practical assistance

Over time, various types of associations were born to help people, through different ways, to face the transition. For example, there are companies that help to go through this difficult process in its entirety, from a psychological, physical and legal point of view.

In addition, there are now some projects that make it easier, especially for those who may be at the beginning of their journey, find the right clothes in order to allow him/her to express himself/herself fully. Projects of real solidarity, in which people with greater economic difficulties help each other, to have clothes generally attributed to a particular sex. Exchange projects and mutual assistance are slowly taking place in Italy and all over the world. To find them, you can just do a simple search on Google.

Read more about genderless fashion: Atelier Vania: when fashion meets inclusivity